
英语 smartsun 4年前 (2021-04-10) 5736次浏览 0个评论


for the [ɪ] vowel, the jaw drops more, so the tongue isn’t as close to the roof of the mouth. There’s a relaxed jaw drop. The tip of the tongue stays forward, lightly touching the back of the bottom front teeth. The top, front part of the tongue arches up towards the roof of the mouth.



Let’s compare the stressed [ɪ] in ‘fix’, on the top, to the unstressed [ɪ] in ‘office’. Notice that the jaw is more dropped for the stressed syllable. For the unstressed [ɪ], the jaw is less dropped. This is typical. Unstressed vowels are shorter, so there isn’t as much time to make the full mouth position.





  1. big
  2. bit
  3. chin
  4. chip
  5. click
  6. clip
  7. drink
  8. drip
  9. film
  10. fish
  11. fit
  12. fix
  13. hid
  14. him
  15. hint
  16. hit
  17. kick
  18. kid
  19. king
  20. kiss
  21. begin
  22. biscuit
  23. business
  24. dismiss
  25. district
  26. finish
  27. image
  28. inches
  29. limit
  30. liquid
  31. picnic
  32. primitive
  33. princess
  34. sickness
  35. spinach
  36. ticket
  37. visit
  38. windmill
  39. within
  40. women
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